Mission Statement:
To provide industry-empowered transition support to veterans of the U.S. military through internships, education, and mentorship.
Concept of Operations
ConOp will provide a place for separating servicemen to go for all the things the military misses in that separation process.  We're planning to work with local businesses to create temp-agency like jobs for vets to land in and get a pay check while they figure out their next move.  It'll be the ideal holding-pattern for guys that need to pick up certifications or navigate the security process to go back as a contractor.  To that end, we'll be working with the IC to create pipelines for things like Full Scope Polygraphs, re-investigations, and upgrades from like a Secret to a TS.  These temp-type jobs will be about the best interview a vet could ask for, and they won't have any weight hanging over them.  At best, they get along well with the company and become an employee.  At worst, they get good experience for their resumes and get to do some networking.
We'll also be working with local universities to create training opportunities for folks that want to pick up technical certifications like Sec+, Net+, CCNA, ect., or to establish pipelines for folks who want to use their MGI Bill to go to college and pick up a degree.  We're also looking to work with local contractors who have specific training requirements for contracts.  This'll be a way for them to train folks before formally bringing them on board, which saves them money in the long run.  It also makes it possible for them to expand the scope of likely candidates for those positions by saving them that sort of expense.